So! I've just started my General Surgery rotation at the VA hospital in Lebanon. It is about 30 minutes away---Monday was an orientation, Tuesday I saw a BUNCH of colonoscopies and met my resident Dino (the interns were being oriented that day, so it was just Dino and me); and TODAY...
So I was supposed to report today at 6:30 AM. No big deal, actually get to get up at 5:00, an hour later than my Neurosurgery times! Woot! So I went to bed last night at 10 PM.
This morning I awake from what must've been a pleasant dream because I felt really good when I woke up. This changed instantly when I noticed that it was LIGHT out. Immediately I looked for my alarm clock---which was IN THE BED WITH ME. I 1. had ZERO recollection of turning it off and yet 2. deduced that it must've went off, I must've pulled it into bed in usual fashion and hit the snooze, and yet somehow TURNED IT OFF!!! So now it is 8:15 AM and all I can do is cry and call Linda, the southern woman with a stutter that is our wonderful resident/med student coordinator at the VA. "Nah don't come a-rushin over heah and get ya-self in an accident. You just take yah tiiime. Yah body musta needed it is awl!"
I still cried about 8 times in my 30-minute drive over. I found Dino furiously tryin to navigate an old guy's tortuous sigmoid colon; when he was done, he just came over to me smiling and told me not to worry about it. But seriously, how f-in irresponsible can I look showing up 2 and a half hours LATE! Thank God there wasn't a patient's life on the line!
Lessons learned: 2 alarm clocks. One set faaaar away. And get some frickin sleep.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Even if there was a patient's life on the line, it would have nothing to do with you. You are a student, and frankly wouldn't be given that much responsibility.
Second of all, hospitals and medicine in general have failsafes installed. If you were a Real Live doctor and overslept, it's not like anyone would have gone untreated or unattended. They just would have been cared for by someone else.
So you looked like an A-hole. Everyone does, sooner or later. You just got it out of the way sooner.
No worries, my friend!
Thank you friend. It ended up working out cuz my team is just so darn chill. I agree, better to get my A-hole-ness outta the way...
P.S. my word verification is my response if someone asked me if I'd like a shot of tequila right this moment. "Uuh...EAH!" Por supuesto!
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