Dawg Blawg!

A blog from the land of the chocolate. This blog was created when the owner should have been studying for the boards.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Still likin it

So, I DO do (hahahaa doo doo) a lot of watching on this surgery rotation as well. BUT I got to be all up in a hemi-thyroidectomy yesterday, as well as go to one doc's CRAAAAZY zoo of a clinic. He'd throw me in a room with absolutely no background on the person or their disease---so I'd have no idea what questions to ask, and would feel like I just chatted or something. It's amazing how much people assume you know, and both ways---patients will ask me all these questions because hey, I have a white coat on, I must be a doctor. And docs MUST assume I know something if they decide to throw me in there with patients. Umn...

Today was also fun, but in clinic the whole day. Met some very nice people; also had to fly over to the OR with this crazy-man surgeon who got called over to see one of his throat cancer patients being operated on by a different (plastic) surgeon. They were going to take his pectoral muscle and flip it up over the neck or something terribly insane like that. But the guy had such a big tumor and sooo much necrotic tissue and residual tumor that all they can do is sew him back up and irradiate the area. It was really sad; and also kind of gory. It's hard for me to see surgery on peoples' faces. Surgery anywhere else and the face is always covered up, and you can kind of separate yourself from the fact that you're cutting into a live person...well, at least a little bit. But this gentleman's face was what was being worked on, especially around his cheek and his lower lip. And I couldn't stop thinking as they were cutting into it, "Stop! That guy's alive in there!" I mean of course they were going to sew everything back up, but it's just really REALLY weird to see for the first time.

It's good to come home and swap surgery stories with my roomie since we're both on surgery. But as for right this moment, I'm hoping we don't have a tornado over here. Gotta go and study SOMETHING for like the first time ever this week (either that or hit the bar for an hour with friends who have easier rotations...what do you think I should do???)


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