So Thursday morning I went to the first conference I've ever been to for ENT. They have conference every morning, but for some reason Dave and I had managed to have classes or whatnot every other morning. The conference though had a presentation by the chief resident, let's call him Dr. Bowtie (cuz he likes to wear those). It was on Obstructive Sleep Apnea; and when I looked around, all the resdients were fighting sleep. I thought it perfect.
Dr. Bowtie happens to be a great guy who has stolen my pen. Well, I GAVE him the pen in the morning...something that my fave R2, let's call him Dr. Chill, said was a big no-no. "Why?" I asked. "Because you'll probably never get it back now." To which I said without thinking, and probably crossed some sort of line, "Oh, so it's like when you lend a friend your lighter." I said this as I say most inappropriate things, in passing---like physically in passing. I was rising from the table to go get a napkin when I said it, and when walking away immediately thought "ooo...poor choice?" Because now he thinks I'm an avid smoker or something. Not that that's so major, but it made me think "poor choice" because Dr. Chill, instead of saying something like "oh I know!" or "yeah!" or just laughing, he didn't say anything and gave a sort of awkward smile about it. But really, when you are friends with avid smokers, having a lighter = being everyone's favorite person. But lighters disappear like pens, accidentally-on-purpose thrown into pockets and purses after being used. You gotta fight for the lighter. Besides, you never know when you're going to be stranded somewhere and need to quick make a fire.
Anyway, Thursday came and went with 2 VERY interesting surgeries interrupted by a simulated tutorial. Simulated by a mannequin named "Rocky." Rocky can be programed to do a lot of things; you can feel his pulses, track his blood pressure, hear his inspirations and expirations. Rocky's eyes can even dilate. But his heart-sounds are super-mechanical. The tutorial was of 3 different cases, all having something to do with shock. It was fun cuz it wasn't graded or anything, and 3 classmates and I got to put our heads together. But it was also SUPER frustrating cuz geez we have no clue what we're doing most of the time. This is why it takes so long to become a physician.
While we're naming people, let's review and add:
Dr. Bowtie---chief resident; what a great one.
Dr. T---kind of a geek, but an EXCELLENT teacher who just loves to tell the med students stuff. Also a chief resident. The one who took the time to teach the most.
Dr. All-up-in-there---perhaps an R3? She is the most zealous.
Dr. Muffin---another R3. Always super-nice to EVERYONE, regardless of their position in the hierarchy. Will also answer questions without making you feel like you're bugging him.
Dr. Chill---my personal fave. The wise-ass. The most approachable, and we'd have been great friends if we were in the same phase of doctor-life.
Dr. Newbie--the intern! Another female, so she's automatically appreciated.
Dr. Wildman---a crazy Jewish surgeon! He was ALWAYS entertaining, if not very overbearing. He'd say things to the residents like "Dissect it superiorly, tease out the tissue, and WATCH THE NERVE. Don't f$*% it up, boys!" and then take off. Then come back 5 more times, check things out, get all up in there and dangerously close to the sterile field without being scrubbed in, and leave and come back.
Dr. Niceguy---actually was my physician for my laryngeal nodes! Which I think are probably still there...thanks to my still being a vocal-abuser. Oh well. He's still a nice guy.
Dr. Blankface---amazing woman, but she has a seriously deadpan face 98% of the time.
Dr. Napoleon---although 3 of the 4 male attendings are short, he is by far the shortest. Ohhh Dr. Napoleon. He is much appreciated by patients---several told me how amazing he is and how he saved their lives. But he has a very business-like streak, and for example, barked at the Olympus guys who were supposed to be giving a half-hour conference: "Now who scheduled vendors before our conference? You guys have 10 minutes---I'm dead serious. This is important." He made it all sorts of awkward, and wasn't very nice about it, and these Olympus guys were super-nice guys. It happened to be Dr. Napoleon's and all the other docs' faults that the vendors started at 6:50 instead of 6:30, and yet Dr. Napoleon gave them all the shit for it.
And last but not least, Dr. McDreamy---named by a friend who loves Grey's Anatomy. I'd had him as a facilitator for a PBL my first year (which he remembered somehow on Friday and asked me about). I liked him back then too. He's really tall and has a kind of crooked face. I got to work with him in his clinic on Wednesday; this guy's specialty is ears. And for one patient I'd had the time to take more of a history than the resident I was paired with, Dr. All-up-in-there, had. So when she said to Dr. McDreamy "I wonder if she's scheduled to have a hysterectomy," I said, "Oh yes, she is. She was found to have a lot of endometriosis on exploratory laparotomy, and is scheduled to have a hysterectomy soon. She and her husband are already into the adoption process too." And All-up-in-there and McDreamy looked at me with some astonishment. "You asked her more than just about her ear pain?" asked McDreamy. And I was like "well yeah, when I asked if she had other health problems...
...umn, well I had a longer time in there..." And then later Dr. McDreamy referred to me as a super-star. So looks like their expectations for us wide-eyed 3rd years are pretty low...
So back to Thursday. The surgeries Dave (my partner in crime these past 2 weeks) and I viewed involved laryngoscopes. Both patients we saw on Thursday were in for the same procedure. Now get this. When someone gets a cancer in their pharynx (back of the throat)-larynx (voicebox)-esophagus (food tube!) area, it can cause the tissue to scar. Then you have trouble swallowing. Medicine's ingenious treatment plan---just mechanically stretch it out. And that's what we saw: esophageal dilation. This is gonna sound gross cuz it kinda is. They have these tubes with tapered tips; they come in a series and get bigger and bigger circumferentially. You stick some lube on the tip and slide the tube down the esophagus, and just keep using bigger and bigger ones. Viola---manual muscle stretching!! Ugh. The first patient had scarring from a former cancer that was interfering with his swallowing. The second though had a muscular dystrophy in which her esophageal muscles and upper larynx muscle were all just SQUEEZED TIGHT without relaxation. So they gave her...a Botox injection to the throat!! That was the coolest because the docs used a laryngoscope---a tiny camera placed on a long wire that also has a needle on it! So Dave and I got to watch it all on the video monitor.
The afternoon was clinic with Dr. Blankface. She's surprisingly a pediatric ENT, even with her deadpan face, and actually very very good with kids and parents alike. No-nonsense kind of lady. I went to see some patients for her and when presenting them to her she'd say "So did you ask if the snoring is loud? Did you ask if the child is hard to wake up? How many episodes of pharyngitis in the past year?" To which I'd respond, "All excellent questions!!" and "No, sorry..." It's funny because physicians assume that you know what to ask. And these are super-specialized physicians. But this is how you learn, by f-ing thing up and feeling like a fool, so it's OK. Besides she goes back in and basically asks everything over again, and I watch and learn. I do get to do physical exams alone though, so that is fun---although my exams aren't necessarily reliable because I've seen not-as-many ears and listened to not-so-many hearts and graded tonsil size about 2 times prior. The part that makes me nuts is that I have to write down my findings in the patients' charts, and when they turn out to be crappy and wrong, here the findings are written down and I don't know if they really get corrected...!!!
Which brings us to Friday, the last ENT day. Dave was scheduled to be in the OR in the morning, and me in clinic with Dr. Niceguy. But instead I accompanied Dave to the OR in the morning, because there was only one surgery scheduled for the whole day. Dr. Wildman was the attending surgeon on the case; but Drs. Bowtie, Muffin, and Newbie were all to work on the case, so that's already 4 surgeons, plus Dave scrubbed in on it too. Dr. Newbie was like a glorified med student for most of the case, but then got to do some dissecting. My role was to stand on two lifts (because Drs. Bowtie and Muffin are sooooo tall) and see what I could see. The scenerio: taking out the parotid gland, the big 'ol salivary gland on your cheek by your ear, and all the lymphatic tissue in the neck on a guy who'd had a malignant melanoma on his forehead. The reasoning is that the melanoma spreads through the lymphatic tissue that drains the forehead, which includes tissue within that salivary gland and the neck stuff too. So I was super-jealous of Dave when he got to feel the carotid artery with his fingers and such.
No one informed us of how long this procedure would be---and I was scheduled to be with Dr. Wildman in the afternoon. But because Dave was already scrubbed in and sooo many residents were in the room, and crazy Dr. Wildman kept coming in, scrubbing for like 30 seconds to get all up in the residents' business, then leaving and coming back and doing that like 3 more times, I just watched instead. We hadn't been informed how long the surgery would last. And the longest one I'd been in to date was about 3 hours, so I hadn't bothered to eat anything beforehand. The surgery lasted 7 hours. On your feet just watching for 7 hours. Thankfully, the surgery was cool enough to pay attention most of the time: the facial nerve, the one to all the muscles in your face (so nicely named), comes out near the parotid gland and branches WITHIN it. So the surgeons had to dig out all the gland tissue without hurting the nerve or its branches. A bunch of other nerves and muscles run through the neck too, so they had to be digging those out and identifying things all through there as well. It was all very, very cool to see. Dave and I would geek out, and he kept saying "Better than Anatomy class!" I'll miss his same response every morning to "How are you?"---"I'm all fired up!"
In the end, Dr. Bowtie did end up stealing my pen for good. However, on Friday when I showed up, I could hear him asking the other residents "Where is Katie today?" "Here I am!" And there he presented me with THREE new pens!
ENT was a good time. Dave goes to be run ragged but see awesome things on Cardiothoracic; I wonder what Neurosurgery will be like! I hear LONGEST SURGERIES EVER! Good thing I had some practice in stamina!