Dawg Blawg!

A blog from the land of the chocolate. This blog was created when the owner should have been studying for the boards.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

such a trip, man

So I started out the morning by stepping out my door, walking 10 feet, and immediately falling ungracefully via the black-ice-slip. One leg straight out, one foot under my ass cheek. Nice way to start a rotation.

Thankfully the beginning of the day had no bearing upon the rest of the day. My OB/GYN clerkship director is a feisty Filipino who is, in a catch-phrase, ON A MISSION. He is going to be our FRIEND, he is going to GET TO KNOW US! He is going to give us all Honors granted we don't breech professionalism, he is going to keep us ACTIVELY ENGAGED! We are going to be AGGRESSIVE! Hell, it's a surgical rotation, and these are surgeons.

All in all, so far I enjoy this man. This morning in clinic he had me doing Leopold maneuvers and measuring fundi and pulling out C-section staples and guiding me through an ultrasound. In the afternoon things were a lot more chill; I worked with a nurse practitioner and was able to observe more in preparation for seeing patients myself in the upcoming few days in clinic, and doing things like pelvic exams and paps and cultures. We also did a lot of counseling on contraception, safe sex practices, smoking, diet, exercise---the primary care educational stuff that I like. It's all happening!

Honestly, I really enjoyed myself today. And that surprised me. I think the rotation will be a winner.