what are weekends?
So I worked both days this weekend to justify getting the Friday after Thanksgiving off (hahahaa...screw the "Only Thursday is a hospital holiday" rule!). Stuffed myself silly and played Balderdash with the Hasek clan, and partied it up with the Suzer and company. Good times all around!
Yesterday was a 14-hour day learning how to admit and present patients coming through the ER. I saw a guy with shortness of breath who, when asked if he'd had any prior surgeries, told me he'd had 4 hernia repairs. The last one "went all the way into my nut. So the doc took out my nut and replaced it with an onion. Now whenever I pass a hot-dog stand, I get a hard on and a tear in my eye." Followed by gales of laughter from the extensive family in the room with him. Included in this was the question "so how much alcohol do you drink?"
"Oh, not too much."
"About how much per week, on average?"
"Oh...about 20, 30 beers."
Later on, when my attending asked the same question, the family chimes in, "No no dad...try 10-12 per NIGHT."
Whooo! Got a benzo on board for those potential delirium tremens!
Today I encountered a patient with a very sad background and a dismal future. He is in his early 20s and had OD-ed on pills. Now he's dealing with all this residual multi-organ dysfunction; he'd gone into shock, and they had to give him so much pressors to keep his central blood pressure up for perfusion that it took all the blood away from his extremities. Now most of his fingers and all of his toes are completely necrosed. I saw his foot today, and was still surprised at the sight even after I'd been warned that it was gangrenous. His parents are trying to be "upbeat" (try crazy...really.). So the nurse unravels the bandage from his foot and all I see is completely black from the toes to the mid-foot, fade to reddish-pink, fade to skin-tone. "It looks a lot better! I think it's getting better," his dad says. Umn, that foot is DEAD. A dead foot on the end of a leg so thin I can see the veins. The feet are going to have to come off. Apparently all the fingers are the same. And this poor kid is just staring into space.
Internal Medicine. It really runs the gamut.