Dawg Blawg!

A blog from the land of the chocolate. This blog was created when the owner should have been studying for the boards.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So something I really like about Medicine is the teamwork. It was never made as real to me as it was today---when we rounded for 8 HOURS. We took a 25 minute break in between, but still. After, without our Attending, our team had a pow wow and brainstormed efficiency. We'll see how things work out tomorrow; hopefully for the better. But it was just great to see residents trying to even out their patient load and just a common friendliness and team spirit. I like being a part of that. My only problem is that I get really attached to teams very easily, and when we're done with our 7 days or 14 days or 20 days or whatever the rotation may be, you have to say goodbye. Bittersweet because you have the excitement of a new team, but you kinda miss the ties that are quickly formed between people who have to come together to make decisions about caring for other people.

Right now I have one patient; he's an amazing little guy who came in with what we think is a recent heart attack---but it had such strange symptoms that if he'd not come in for a different reason originally, we never woulda known about it. Right now he's doing so well! And he and his wife are just cute, quality people. It's still just a bit unnerving when you have your "own" patient---like ohmigosh, I don't know how to MANAGE people! I MIGHT know what the disease process is...but I gotta know how to TREAT the person?!

Of course, there is an entire chain of onlookers who have your back. So the responsibility is both terrifying and rewarding.

It helps when your Fellow (see, for a Medicine subspecialty like Cardiology, first you are a resident, then an Internal Medicine physician, then you can get a fellowship in Cardiology---to become a cardiologist. I think that's how it goes. I digress.) Ahem. It helps when your Fellow is one of the dreamiest people you've ever seen in your life. Or maybe that's a bit of a hindrance...


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